Black Isrealite attacks white couple.
Black Isrealite attacks white couple. Edgecombe County machete attack could bring hate crime charges, deputies say | WNCT Edgecombe County machete attack could bring hate crime charges, deputies say
Black Isrealite attacks white couple. Edgecombe County machete attack could bring hate crime charges, deputies say | WNCT Edgecombe County machete attack could bring hate crime charges, deputies say
On March 20, 2017, Kelsey Sue Tennant came home from work for lunch and found a stranger burglarizing her apartment. Greg Epperson beat and strangled the 19-year-old to death, then continued gathering valuables. When Kelsey’s [Suite…]
Black Woman Films Herself Abusing White Elderly Nursing Home Patient! 👉 Join🐒
Black shoots White cop in face and head The Omaha Police Department said that Kenya Jenkins Jr has a “previous history of resisting arrests and escape.” https://www.yahoo.com/gma/police-officer-shot-face-head-122623140.html
“These people with their diverse culture, their warmth and their zest for life are an enrichment for all of us.”
😡😡😡 ‘Business as usual’ Perceived offensive tweets to some black footballer will see the police act without any hesitation and they’ll be looking to make an arrest and to charge someone in record breaking time. [Suite…]
‘Ellis was previously charged in 2014 with aggravated battery against the woman who died. She reportedly required medical attention at the time.’ These whores just don’t learn. Toll paid. https://www.wtsp.com/mobile/article/news/crime/shooting-gainesville-homicide/67-a76dec67-07b1-44f9-88b6-9c9bef365d5f
A young white woman escaped her 3 groid captors… https://wpde.com/news/local/three-men-arrested-after-woman-claims-she-was-abducted
@AfrikanerBoer 😡😡😡🤬🤬 26 Sheep slaughtered near Frankfort, Free State… Tweet censored on Twitter! https://t.co/dg8HOsemEI
Tyrell Robinson, 23, groomed three 14-year-old schoolgirls & plied them with vodka before having sex with one. Robinson invited the schoolgirls to his flat for sex. Tyrell also took a pic of his flatmate Korrie [Suite…]
La fameuse RATP a encore frappé (Religion d’Amour de Tolérance et de Paix) Et ses coreligionnaires sont déjà en train de l’excuser !
On July 23, 2019, Robert Paul Cantrell was driven to suicide after months of false allegations and threats. When Larry Woodruffe killed a 7-year-old girl in a drive-by shooting, the girl’s mother, LaPorsha Washington, announced [Suite…]
On April 12, 2005, Jeremy Alexander Rourke was beaten by a younger boy. Jeremy was in line for food after a baseball game when he teased Greg Harris, one of the players on the losing [Suite…]
On July 28, 2015, Timothy Peter Gentry was shot in the chest in the early hours of the morning. A deeply religious man who worked with the handicapped and was studying to become a teacher, [Suite…]
Around X never Relax 🔗 💀 SPOOKY DOGGO 💀 (@DoggoNonGrata) 📲 @twittervid_bot
On June 9, 2004, Emily Ann Clemons was beaten with a hammer and some other household objects. Laisha Landrum and Rocky Almestica, who were 16 like Emily, struck her dozens of times and also used [Suite…]
A Morrocan man with 22 prior convictions in Ireland but who was released from custody after he filed a spurious asylum claim, was today jailed for ten years after he subsequently broke in through the [Suite…]
A Philadelphia rape suspect armed with cooking skewers stood in a Macy’s bathroom for 20 minutes before his victim walked in, police say. The woman was shopping with her husband when she entered the third [Suite…]
Just another poor downtrodden victim oppressed by whites I suppose. I’m sure BLM will start to paint him as some sort of martyr especially if the man protecting his home was white. Texas father, 29, [Suite…]
Putting your parents or grandparents in nursing homes to die (after being brutalized and dehumanized by subhumans) is race treason. On February 27, 2014, James Dempsey was allowed to die in a nursing home. After [Suite…]
An 18-year-old York City man fired into a group of motorcyclists on July 31 in a shooting that killed a Carbon County man, according to charging documents. Dasean Damont Morris, of the 800 block of Wayne [Suite…]
Welcome to the capital of England. White man knocked out and kicked by a group of black men on the London underground as passengers cheer and call him a “racist”.
young white couple shot dead in Florida, police arrest 22 year old “Anfernee Wilson https://www.firstcoastnews.com/amp/article/news/crime/dive-teams-continue-searching-for-evidence-in-st-augustine-ponds-after-fatal-shooting/77-17556917-c382-4ccf-a128-cafd6866c732?__twitter_impression=true
He robbed two White christian couples with his friend. They prayed for them while they were holding them hostage. His friend killed them, they put the bodies in a trunk and Brandon doused the car [Suite…]
The political situation in South Africa is precariously balanced at present…& they fear us,yet are unable to stop themselves since it’s so part of their nature. Don’t believe me?-look across the ocean to other countries [Suite…]
🇫🇷 Le 5 juin 2017, Jonathan Joseph Besson a été tué dans son appartement. Lorsque Jamarcus, Donte et Cardale sont entrés, ils ont volé le jeune homme de 29 ans et lui ont tiré une [Suite…]
On June 11, 2019, Mark Dale Hovey was sitting at a bus stop when he was struck by a car. Nicholas Hammond drove his vehicle off a nearby road and into Mark, killing the 59-year-old, [Suite…]
January 31, 2017 James Beck was meeting with some potential buyers of a dirtbike. James’s 15-year-old son had outgrown it, so he & son had listed it for sale online. But when they met with [Suite…]
Blackies rape two swedes for 9 hours >“The boys, who were found undressed in a cemetery, are said to have been subjected to a torture-like assault that lasted a large part of the night,” Aftonbladet [Suite…]
Because White Lives Matter!