Black killers – White victims
Cannon Hinnant (5) killed August 9 John Shockley (24) killed August 12 Nichole Merrell (30) killed August 14 Veronica Baker (17) killed August 15 Nathan Garza (18) killed August 16
Cannon Hinnant (5) killed August 9 John Shockley (24) killed August 12 Nichole Merrell (30) killed August 14 Veronica Baker (17) killed August 15 Nathan Garza (18) killed August 16
NYC: random murder of a White guy by a black guy under broad daylight in Brooklyn
Val-d’Oise : un homme retrouvé décapité en pleine rue, le suspect armé d’un couteau abattu par la police (MàJ : le parquet anti-terroriste saisi) https://www.fdesouche.com/2020/10/16/val-doise-suspecte-de-meurtre-un-homme-arme-dun-couteau-abat
13 year old Lucia Bremer was murdered by a black man this week. No protest, no mass media coverage or demands for justice for her from all these so called activist. DONT LET HER BE [Suite…]
On April 7, 2020, Joyce Gale Whaley, Patricia Denise Nibbe, and Nettie Renee Spencer were working at a truck stop. A truck driver named Idris Abdus-Salaam followed Joyce into a restroom and stabbed her 11 [Suite…]
Another victim of someone who should never have been here. The levels of non-white crime carried out on whites would off the scale of the statistics were ever compiled. Just imagine the numbers from across [Suite…]
Rejected Iraqi asylum seeker, who authorities failed to deport. pleads guilty to murdering vulnerable woman. https://theliberal.ie/rejected-iraqi-asylum-seeker-who-authorities-failed-to-deport-pleads-guilty-to-murdering-vulnerable-woman/
On March 25, 2020, Martha McKay was killed by an old friend. Travis Lewis had fatally shot Martha’s mother and cousin 23 years earlier, but Martha “forgave” the teenager and started writing to him in [Suite…]
Media silence about Black on White crime is deafening! Rapper Uzzy Marcus’s brother killed two women before live-streaming the bloody aftermath on Instagram on Saturday, Jan 30. Raymond Michael Weber, 29, was arrested by Vacaville [Suite…]
A ‘remorseless’ rapist has been jailed for 21 years for a horrific string of offences on schoolgirls. Samuel Hamilton, from Hartley Road, Kingstanding, carried out sickening attacks on victims in the West Midlands, Derbyshire and [Suite…]
FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! I saw this earlier & thought these beasts had killed one of their own niglets. It turns out they beat a foster child to death who was a beautiful little white 3 year old [Suite…]
School girl pistol whipped and robbed at gunpoint in Gauteng Province, South Africa.
La VÉRITÉ sur les VIOLS de TELFORD et Rotherham: Les Grooming Gang
Brown woman hit-and-runs 13-year-old White boy in Birmingham, will only serve THREE years in prison. But remember folks, the biggest issue facing Britain is the invisible institutional racism holding back people of colour.
A black man viciously attacked a white woman who was sitting alone on the Miami subway. On the same day, two men were also attacked by him, one a 74-year-old pensioner, all victims know, so [Suite…]
A BLM activist has been sentenced to only 20 months prison for murder attempt during riots. Now imagine what it would be if a WHITE guy tried to kill a black….
On May 26, 2012, Kayla Danielle Ferrante was shot in the back. She had just graduated from high school a year early, eager to start working toward a career helping special-needs students, and she was [Suite…]
On July 27, 1987, Becky Battey Spencer was in her living room when a 13-year-old neighbor broke in, grabbed a knife from her kitchen, and stabbed her 58 times. The murder of this young mother [Suite…]
Cultural enrichment!
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ CAUTION! DRASTIC! IDEAL PLACE FOR IMMIGRATION FOR BLM ACTIVISTS CENTRAL AFRIC. REPUBLIC 2018 👉 [And to be clear: it has nothing to do with colonialism. That was there before.] ▶ ️ [Suite…]
I REPEAT. BEING RACIST CAN SAVE YOUR KIDS LIFE. Look at this beautiful girl raped and murdered by a Black who had killed 4 others. WE ARE NOT THE SAME.
🇫🇷 Le 3 juin 2014, Nichole Franco a été réveillée par un cambrioleur. D’Marcus Tucker, un jeune de 15 ans qui vivait dans le complexe d’appartements de Nichole, s’est faufilé chez elle au milieu de [Suite…]
😡😡😡 ‘Business as usual’ Perceived offensive tweets to some black footballer will see the police act without any hesitation and they’ll be looking to make an arrest and to charge someone in record breaking time. [Suite…]
How shocking. Not.
Russian grandma. 💪🏻 https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/grandmother-robber-russia-military-sword-acton-attack-court-b918275.html
Because White Lives Matter!