On August 9, 2017, Dave DePoris was sitting at a cafe and working on his laptop when someone snatched it from him. Since Dave was a musician and the device had his work on it, he grabbed the door of the unidentified thief’s car as it sped away. Dave was dragged about two blocks before being killed by the vehicle.

🇫🇷 Le 9 aoĂ»t 2017, Dave DePoris Ă©tait assis dans un cafĂ© et travaillait sur son ordinateur portable lorsque quelqu’un le lui a volĂ©. Comme Dave Ă©tait un musicien et qu’il avait stockĂ© son travail sur son appareil, il a saisi la porte de la voiture du voleur non identifiĂ© alors qu’il s’Ă©loignait Ă  toute vitesse. Dave a Ă©tĂ© traĂ®nĂ© sur deux pâtĂ©s de maisons avant d’ĂŞtre tuĂ© par le vĂ©hicule.