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Migrant Attacks Priest During Mass & Steals Bible
Migrant Attacks Priest During Mass & Steals Bible #CanaryIslands

Torture and rape for 2 swedish boys. Migrants of course!
Two Swedish boys describe how they were abducted by migrants & tortured for 10 hours, raped and buried alive in a Swedish cemetery looking like they’d ‘showered in blood’ before finally escaping “Their mobile phones [Suite…]

Muslim gangs to rape british girls
NEVER FORGET: No Premier League footballer ever took the knee for the hundreds of thousands of white British girls that were sexually abused at the hands of Muslim rape gangs.

Blacks’gang attacking a White Father
The crime of the White Father? His son had his motorbike stolen, and his Dad wanted to take it back. Look at what happened. This is usual situation in today’s France!

Nurse in Nashville
They Did Not Know Each Other…” Suspect Arrested In ‘Senseless’ Killing Of Nashville Nurse Caitlyn Kaufman Another tragic, senseless victim of the 1964 CiviI Rights Act😏 https://breaking911.com/suspect-arrested-in-senseless-killing-of-nashville-nurse-caitlyn-kaufman-had-violent-history/

Blacks against black
Shot chaser

Teenager charged as adult for North Dallas Memorial Day murder
Anthony Lewis was 16 at the time of Leslie Baker’s murder on Memorial Day. He’s ’s since turned 17. https://www.fox4news.com/news/teenager-charged-as-adult-for-north-dallas-memorial-day-murder.amp

Usual Kenyan ‘serial killer’ healthcare worker!
Kenyan ‘serial killer’ healthcare worker, 48, accused of ‘smothering 14 elderly women to death and robbing them’ is charged with three more killings – and is being investigated for 1,000 deaths and attacks https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9035067/Texas-serial-killer-healthcare-worker-48-formally-charged-17-murders-elderly-people.html?ito=push-notification&ci=58833&si=21561700

Killing GF and 3 y-o baby
‘Ellis was previously charged in 2014 with aggravated battery against the woman who died. She reportedly required medical attention at the time.’ These whores just don’t learn. Toll paid. https://www.wtsp.com/mobile/article/news/crime/shooting-gainesville-homicide/67-a76dec67-07b1-44f9-88b6-9c9bef365d5f

Nashville: Killed by a nigger
Tennessee: Devaunte L. Hill, 21, was arrested and admitted to murdering Nashville nurse Caitlyn Kaufman while she was driving to work. https://www.wsmv.com/news/davidson_county/metro-police-announce-arrest-in-murder-of-saint-thomas-west-nurse/article_7d7b1390-3bc2-11eb-bef8-7795ef4f95ca.amp.html

Illegal Kenyan in the US, serial killer, 24 senior victims
“Chemirmir, a Kenyan citizen who was living in the US illegally, is in jail in lieu of an $11.6 million bail, the Morning News said.” VOTING WILL NOT REMOVE THEM https://nypost.com/2020/12/10/suspected-texas-serial-killer-linked-to-deaths-of-24-seniors/

England: 32 pakis charged for 150 sex offences on teens
32 men charged for over 150 sex offences against teenage girls as young as 13. No prizes for guessing the ethnicity of the perpetrators!

Machete-migrant against White mum and daughter
In England, a well-integrated migrant uses a machete to attack a woman and her daughter in their car. Police was called, said that no need to come as the culprit already escaped.

Great new: A wild animal at least executed!
Look at his face: Good guy, hey? He is a good Christian, sure: Brandon Bernard robbed Todd and Stacie Bagley, 2 White Christians, with his friend, they prayed for them while they were holding them [Suite…]