🇫🇷 Le 29 mai 2004, Scott Corwin rentrait chez lui avec sa petite amie. Pendant ce temps, Deon Jones Ă©tait Ă la recherche de “riches blancs Ă voler”, comme il l’a dit plus tard Ă une connaissance. Il a pris Scott pour cible, mais lorsque le jeune homme de 27 ans a rĂ©sistĂ©, Deon l’a tuĂ© d’une seule balle dans la poitrine.
🇬🇧 On May 29, 2004, Scott Corwin was walking home with his girlfriend. Meanwhile, Deon Jones was on the lookout “for rich white people to rob,” as he later told an acquaintance. He targeted Scott, but when the 27-year-old resisted, Deon killed him with a single gunshot to the chest.
— Every Day