Merkel’s Germany
Multicultural enrichment in Merkel’s Germany
Multicultural enrichment in Merkel’s Germany
Just another white boy being attacked by a dozen black Muslims yesterday. All we hear is “Islamophobia” this and “racism” that, yet the stats don’t lie, anti white attacks outweigh anything else across the globe, [Suite…]
White people. Do you actually think the invaders care about you not being a racist? Do you think they won’t beat you into a pulp just because you put Black Lives Matter in your bio [Suite…]
What does the coexistence of different ethnic groups and cultures look like in the USA?
Black man accidentally attacks white man with a brick in Baltimore. The person who posted this said, “White lives don’t matter.” Be careful out there, white man.
Welcome to the capital of England. White man knocked out and kicked by a group of black men on the London underground as passengers cheer and call him a “racist”.
Imagine if a white man caught two black women on film – that would be front page news around the world. But when the victim of a crime is white and the attacker is black, [Suite…]
Cultural enrichment!
A black man viciously attacked a white woman who was sitting alone on the Miami subway. On the same day, two men were also attacked by him, one a 74-year-old pensioner, all victims know, so [Suite…]
New York: Twelve African Americans beat up an American young man
Pack of wild beasts!
“These people with their diverse culture, their warmth and their zest for life are an enrichment for all of us.”
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ CAUTION! DRASTIC! IDEAL PLACE FOR IMMIGRATION FOR BLM ACTIVISTS CENTRAL AFRIC. REPUBLIC 2018 👉 [And to be clear: it has nothing to do with colonialism. That was there before.] ▶ ️ [Suite…]
KNIFE ATTACK ON NEW YORK SUBWAY CONSEQUENCES OF THE “BLM” HYSTERY? NEW YORK 07/05. Dramatic scenes on July 5 on New York City Subway Line 7 in Queens. Authorities released these records on Saturday. Two [Suite…]
Some arab scumbag raped, tortured, chained to a chair and burned to death “his girlfriend” for breaking up with him. “neither raping or murdering in Finland would block a migrant’s chances of being granted asylum”
Because White Lives Matter!