Babysitter, 24, ‘killed one-year-old boy with wrestling moves’ after becoming angry over a torn pillow – but told cops: ‘I didn’t hurt his head, I only caused the internal injuries’
- Marvin Rex Lake has been charged with capital murder following the death of Ahren Joshua DeHart who suffered multiple injuries, including a fractured skull
- Police say Lake, of El Paso, Texas, said he did not know how the boy was injured
- But he later admitted carrying out the wrestling moves and putting him in a football hold after getting upset that DeHart had ripped a pillow, cops say
- Lake is said to have admitted anger issues, saying he did not know his strength
- The victim and two other children were being watched by Lake on April 13 while their moms worked. The other children also suffered injuries, police say
- Dehart died from his injuries on April 16