‘Business as usual’


‘Business as usual’

Perceived offensive tweets to some black footballer will see the police act without any hesitation and they’ll be looking to make an arrest and to charge someone in record breaking time.

What about vulnerable white children? well we all know their status ‘The wrong victims’

It seems the police have more pressing issues at hand to prioritise, like victimising people who want to put the well-being of the indigenous people first.

Police & social services have been accused of failing thousands of girls as young as 11 who have been reported missing repeatedly while at risk of sexual abuse.

One child in West Yorkshire has disappeared 197 times in three years despite being known to the authorities as a potential victim of sexual exploitation, an investigation has found.

Internal police reports include a finding that there is β€œlittle evidence of the exploiters being investigated” & child protection experts said officers wrongly viewed victims who went missing repeatedly as lost causes.